Administration / Operations


Privileges Controls associated with this privilege
Manage Users











·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can search the user by their type (Students, Parents, Employee, Admin) or by the name of the user or by user ID.

·         Can create a New User (New admin) and manage their profiles.

·         Can assign Privilege to Employee.

·         Can view the User profile and change their password (this option helps when the user lost the password).

·         Can Block the User Account (this option prevents the Blocked User to login into their respective accounts).

·         Can Unblock the User Account.

Event management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can create an event that is common to all School Software Pro users (Students and Employees) or for a specific batch / department.

·         This privilege is assigned to an employee who can create events (special holidays, school fest, dance event for specific batch etc.,) and once posted it can be viewed by all users or specific batch or specific department.


Form Builder Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, they can create a Form template.

·         Lets the User / Employee to create a template of a particular  form and then publish to the School Software Pro Users (Students Employees)

Manage news ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can publish timely announcements to keep all School Software Pro users informed.
Discipline ·         Allow the employee to track the student’s discipline and behavior ·

·         Will be able to Create complaint against the students or the staff.

·         Keep track of complaints which are received, pending and solved.

Librarian ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the employee will be able to manage (add, view, edit and delete) books into the School Software Pro Library module.

·         Will be able to Search books via Bar code, Book number, or by the Title of the book in School Software Pro Library module.

·         This privilege will allow you to Issue books, return the books from / into the School Software Pro library module.

Transport Admin  

·           Will be able to manage Transport Settings in which the employee can Setup the basic configurations in the transport module,

·         Create all stops vehicles travel during an academic year. Create active vehicles for an academic year, add additional vehicle details and can assign employees from departments as drivers or vehicle attendants and record their contact details.

·         Will be able to Manage all routes in the institution. Create a new route, assign vehicle, assign stops to route and add pickup and drop timings

·          Assign students and employees to routes. Based on the transport mode, select from two-way or one-way transport.

·         Create and view fee collections

·         Mark route wise attendance of transport availing passengers

·          Record details of maintenance work done on vehicles like amount spent, next maintenance date, receipts of work etc.,

·         Import transport data from one academic year to another.

·         Will be able to generate Transport reports

Hostel Admin ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can manage (add, view, edit and delete) hostel details in the School Software Pro Hostel module.

·         Manage (add, view, edit and delete) room details

·         Allocate rooms to the students.

·          Create hostel fee collection date.

·         will be able to Pay hostel fee sections-wise.

·          View hostel fee defaulters.

·         Pay hostel fee student-wise.

·          Create hostel fee collection date

·         will be able to Pay hostel fee sections-wise.

·          View hostel fee defaulters. Will be able to generate Reports of the hostelers.

Custom import privilege ·         Privileged employee can import data into School Software Pro using csv file, thus saving time on manual entry

·          Using Custom Import the following information can  be recorded in School Software Pro:

· Employee admission details including salary structure, any additional details, bank details, and employee privileges

·  Student admission details including any additional details.

Custom Reports Control ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, will allow the user to create custom reports using the admission information of students and employees. By specifying filter criteria, you can retrieve only the data you require and hide the data that you do not want displayed. Custom reports can be downloaded in comma separated values (.csv) format.
Custom Reports View ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user Can view and print custom student and employee reports.

·          The User can only have the control of viewing and printing custom student and employee reports.

Task Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can assign / create Task (assignment Task online task or celebration arrangement etc.,) to the Employee and student or to the group of employees and students. While creating a new Task the privileged user can set due date and will be able to view and add comments to the Task.

·         The privileged employee will be able to manage (view, add, edit, delete). Tasks.

Placement Activities ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can announce the placement events to students. Eligible students can be authorized to participate in the event and the result can be declared.

·         The privileged employee can announce new Placements, invite students, check their status, archive the placement and finally generate the report based on the type (Invited, Applied, Approved, Attended, Placed) of students.

Employee Manager Inventory ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can Create and manage store items, creates indents, Manage Purchase Order, Generate Reports.
App Frames Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can access external application in School Software Pro.

·          The User can create New Frames by adding the client URL and client name and make it access through School Software Pro by just one click.

Client Authorizations

Client App Management

·         Theses 2 privileges work together and when this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee he can create a new client and manage their apps.
Manage Inventory ·         Create and manage store categories, store types, stores, item categories, store items, supplier types,suppliers.

·          Create indents, Manage Purchase Order, Invoice.

·         Creates GRN, Generate Reports, Manage tax calculation mode.

Inventory Basics ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user will only be able to create the basic modules of the Inventory

·          The user will have the below following privilege:

·         Create and manage store items.

·         Creates indents.

·         Manage Purchase Order.

·         Generate Reports.

Data Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can create new data categories and add fields to it, the saved data can be printed
Data Management Viewer ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can only view and print data, user will not have the privilege of creating new data categories.
Inventory Sales ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can Manage Invoice, Generate Reports, generate sales reports, Generate Item-wise Report, Generate Day-wise Report, Generate Invoice Report.
Document Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee he can Upload, View and Share documents to the employees and students.

·          The user will have the privilege of creating privileged folder, where we have an option to add members with ‘Upload’ privilege while creating the folder. And those people can upload files/documents to the specific folder in addition with accessing the documents within the folder.

·         The privileged user can create User specific (either students or employees or both) folder where in the user can add the documents which are specific to that user.

Reminder Manager ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can set Reminders and send messages to alert students, parents, and employees about upcoming institutional events. Reminders are sent a specified amount of time before an event via SMS and email. Reminders can be created for: Events, Exams, Online exams and Fee collections schedules.

·         Can create Custom reminders to notify your School Software Pro users about any type of upcoming institutional activities

·          For School Software Pro users to receive reminders their contact information (mobile number and email address) must be saved in their School Software Pro profiles. Also, the SMS and email settings must be configured for your School Software Pro account.

Manage Alumni ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can View alumni of past sections/classes, Schedule and organise alumni events, Invite alumni to events, View and track responses to event invitations, Contact alumni via email.




Student Management


Admission ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can use the Student admission form, to admit a new Student in School Software Pro.

·         The user will have the privilege of entering all the details of the student (Name, Admission Number, Parent details etc.,) who is newly admitted  to the institution into the School Software Pro.


Students Control ·           When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can admit students into the School Software Pro.

·          The User will be able to manage (view, edit, send emails and delete) student’s profile, by searching their details based on the type of students (present academic year students and former students).

·          The User can also manage the details of all the students by searching their profiles based on their section/class using “View all” option.

·           This privilege has “Advanced search” option to search the details of the students.

Student View ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user will have all the privilege to manage (search students, view, edit, send emails and delete) student details but will not have the option of admitting the students into the School Software Pro.
Student Attendance Register ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can mark the attendance of the students present in School Software Pro.
Student Attendance View ·           When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can view and generate attendance report (monthly and daily reports) of students according to their sections based on monthly, custom, overall.

·           The user can add extra information (date of birth, gender, section etc.,) of a student in attendance report by customizing the columns which are to be saved in the report.

Manage Student Records ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can Create and manage record groups( A record group is a collection of records used to capture details about students that are specific to a section. E.g., maintain the Health Records of students such as Height, Weight, Vision).

·         Assign record groups to classes and sections

·           Enter and manage student records

Applicant Registration ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User can Create and manage Online applications for new joiners of classes in your organization. You can activate applicant registration for each class with customized forms and fields based on your requirements.

·         The user can create new pins and give them to the applicant at the time of online registration.

·         The user can Update the status of the online application received and Allocate or discard the applicant based on the terms and conditions.

Manage Transfer Certificate ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can generate Transfer Certificate

·         The User can Choose and add the required fields in the transfer certificate based on your institution/board standards.

·          The User can View and manage the transfer certificates generated for your outgoing students.




Examination Control ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can manage Grading Levels, Ranking Levels and Class Designations.

·         Can Set grading levels, Ranking Levels, Class Designations, Grades, Weightages etc. for CCE.

·         Manage Observation Groups, FA groups and association to subjects.

·          Manage Basic CCE Report Settings, Detailed CCE Report Settings, Configure grade, upscale settings for scholastic subjects.

·          Manage CGPA Settings, Report Settings for Exam, Grouped Exam and Transcript Reports.

·          Configure how students are sorted in report cards and mark entry pages.

·          Create new exams, enter marks

·          Generates Student Reports for Grouped Exams.

·          Generates exam-wise reports, subject-wise reports,Grouped Exam reports for archived students, reports for subject-wise student ranks, reports for sections-wise student ranks, reports for class-wise student ranks, reports for overall student ranks for this school, reports for sections-wise student rank per attendance, reports based on different ranking levels, student transcripts, combined student reports, combined student reports.

·          Manage Online Exam System, create new online exam, view existing online exam, View online exam results, Reset exam for a student.

Enter Result ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can enter result even if no subjects are assigned.
View Result ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, can view all the results in all batches even if no subject is assigned.

·          The privileged user will be able to View online exam results.

Manage Timetable ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can Create and edit class timing sets.

·         Set weekdays and class timing sets for each section, Create and manage timetable allocations, View the timetable for a class, View timetable of teachers, assign subjects to teachers, View the entire timetable for a day, Allocate classrooms.

·           The user can customize Timetable by going into Timetable settings and Configure how you want the class details to be displayed in the Student and Employee timetable PDF Report.

·          Manage Timetable Tracker, Manage Timetable Swapping, Generate Swapped Timetable Report.

Timetable View ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user will be able to View the timetable for a class, View timetable of teachers, View the entire timetable for a day,

·         Can view the Generate Swapped Timetable Report

View Additional Reports ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the User will be able to generate the following reports: –

·         Generate Swapped Timetable Report

·         Generates Class / Sections Details

·          Generates Former students Details

·         Generates Subject Details

·         Generates Exam Schedule Details

·         Generates Fee collection Details

·           Generates Class Fees Defaulters Details

·         Generates Students Fees Defaulters Details

·         Generates Students Fees Head-wise Report

·         Generates Siblings Report and finally.

·           Generate the report of total number of classes, sections, students and employees present in the institution.

Manage Allocations ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can allocate classrooms for the employees and students based on the timetable.

·         The user can allocate buildings in two ways, one way of allocating classroom is weekly basis and secondly by date wise.

Manage Buildings ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user will be able to add buildings and their respective class numbers into the School Software Pro module. By this reference one can easily allocate classrooms to employees and students according to their timetable.
Online Exam Control ·           When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can create new online exam, view existing online exam, view online exam results, Reset the online exam for a student.
Manage Gradebook ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user will be able to manage the following features: –

·         Exam Planners i.e., Create terms and add exam types for the academic year, manage grade book by Scheduling exams, enter marks and generate reports for classes and sections,

·          Manage Grade profiles, ranking levels, Class designation, and other exam configurations, create attribute profiles to evaluate subject exams based on parameters (Attributes are parameters used to evaluate subject exams. Create attribute profiles and assign to subjects. For example, Class Participation profile has the following attributes: Attention in class, Response to questions, Maintenance of notebooks)

·          Create activity profiles to manage grade based non scholastic evaluations (activity profiles are used for evaluation of non-subject related aspects of students. You can create multiple activity profiles and assign to different exam planners. Example Co-scholastic activities, Psychomotor skills etc.)

·         Create and manage all applicable grading profiles for the institution (Grading profiles are used for evaluating grade based subject exams and activity exams. Create grading profiles here and assign to the exams in the planner. Example Co-scholastic grading profile.)

·         Configure remark banks to group similar remarks under a set (Configure remark banks to group similar remarks under a set. Remark banks can be used with Field Codes that will autofill details like name, pronouns based on gender. When adding remarks, choose a remark bank and select the most appropriate remark(s) from the set.)

·          View and download student-wise exam, term and planner reports, View and download subject-wise exam reports, View and download exam reports of all subjects.

Gradebook Mark Entry ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, he can schedule exams, enter marks and generate reports for classes and sections.
Certificate Management ·         When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can Create and manage the templates of different certificates issued by this institution, Create templates for students and employees. Configure settings and design the template in the editor. Use available system fields or add your own custom field in the template. Create and manage the templates of different certificates issued by this institution.

·         Generate certificate for one user or Generate certificates for many users at once

·         The user can also manage Generated certificates (Here is the archive of all the certificates that are issued from your institution).

ID Card Management ·          When this privilege is assigned to a User / Employee, the user can Create and manage the templates of different ID cards issued by this institution, Create templates for students, guardians and employees Id cards. Configure settings and design the template in the editor. Use available system fields or add your own custom field in the template.

·         Generate Individual ID Card (Generate an ID card for one user) Generate ID cards for many users at once (Generate ID cards for many users at once).

·         View generated ID Cards (Manage all previously generated ID cards. Regenerate required certificates again)



Social / Other Activity


Create Group ·         Can create and delete group in discussion module.
Poll Control ·         Can create new poll and assign different sections and departments to it.

·         View the votes for poll

Blog Admin ·         Can post, search and do the necessary settings required for blog creation
Gallery Admin ·         Can create album, add photos and set the visibility options.



System Settings


General Settings ·         Basic Settings about the school account like school name, Address, enabling roll number assignment, enabling google SSO etc.

·         Can update different student categories in school.

·         Can configure additional details (fields that are currently not there in School Software Pro) that needs to be updated about the student during the admission process.

Manage class/section ·         Can create and manage class and sections.

·         Can activate or deactivate sections.

·         Can manage subjects corresponding to different classes.

Subject Master ·         Manage subjects corresponding to different classes.

·         Manage Subjects Groups, Elective Groups and Subjects on the class level.

·         Manage subject skill sets, skill sets and sub skills.

·         Link class subjects to sections.

Manage student roll numbers ·         Can edit roll number of students or assign a prefix to roll numbers class wise.
Send Email ·         Privilege to send emails to employees, students and parents.
Email Alert Settings ·         Do the settings for email alerts like setting email alert during examination scheduling etc.

·         View the list of students who have unsubscribed email notification.

Message Settings ·         Enable or disable which users can send messages in the institution and who can they send messages to.



Finance Control


Manage Fee ·         Can do the necessary settings for fee configuration of the institution like receipt template, tax settings, invoice generation etc…

·         Can create master fees, master particulars and master discounts.

·         Create new fee collecting dates.

·         Can view fee structure of students.

·         Manage and pay instant fees.

·         Manage all imported fees for any student.

·         Can set the duration of the financial year, configure printer settings  and configure the details of the receipt pdf.

Fee Submission ·         Can collect fees based on section, student wise or particular wise.

·         Can view students with fees dues.

·         Manage and pay instant fees.

Manage Refunds ·         Can view all refunds.

·         Create refund rules for fee collection.

·         Apply/Revert refund for student.

Finance Reports ·         Can view income and expense transactions for all accounts.

·         View fee receipts of student, employee and guests.

·         Compare financial transactions of two different periods.

·         Generate detailed particular wise student transaction report and particular wise daily transaction report.

·         Generate report of tax collected.

Approve/Reject Payslip ·         Can view the employees assigned to a payroll group, their payroll details and the payslips generated.

·         Approve or reject employee payslips generated for a pay period.

·         View payslips generated for an employee.

·         Generate simple and advanced payslip reports.

Revert Transaction ·         Can collect the fees as well as revert the collected fees in case of any errors.

·         Collect instant fees as well as revert the collected instant fees in case of errors.

·         Can also view fee defaulters and collect and revert fees from them.

Miscellaneous ·         Can create new finance categories,

·         Can manage transactions by creating new expenses and new income groups.

·         Can create new donations.

·         Can manage Assets and Liabilities by creating new ones and can also view existing ones.

·         Mange tally exports by doing the necessary settings for tally export.

·         Can also do manual tally synchronization, bulk export and view failed synchronizations.


HR Management


HR Settings ·         Create and manage employee category, position, department and grades.

·         Set up employee working day settings.

·         Setup and manage employee leave types.

·         Create and manage employee bank details.

·         Customize employee admission form by adding additional fields.

·         Configure the payroll calculation mode.

·         Create various leave groups and manage them.

Employee Management ·         Can admit employee using employee admission form.

·         Assign each employee with one or more subjects.

Payroll & Payslip Management ·         Can create and manage employee category and groups based on payroll.

·         Configure information to be displayed in employee payslip.

·         Can generate employee payslip.

·         Manage rejected payslips of employees.

·         Can generate simple and advanced payslip reports and customize the reports.

Employee Attendance ·         Can mark employee attendance

·         View all employee leave application

·         Reset employee leaves

·         Generate the attendance report of employees from all departments.

·         Can generate the leave balance report for all departments.

Employee Search ·         Can search for an employee based on – employee number, name, department, category, position or grade or based on different combinations of these fields
Employee Reports ·         Can generate a PDF report with all the employee details like employee number, joining date, department, category etc…


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