The Employee Payslip Report will provide you with the lists of generated payslips for a specific date range. Both payslips for active and archived employees will be listed. Administrators and privileged employees can view the report through the Human Resource module if the ‘Employee Reports’ privilege is provided or through the Finance module if the ‘Approve/Reject payslip’ privilege is available.

1. You can open the Employee Payslip report in two ways:

  •     At the top of your dashboard, click the Module access icon > Administration > Human Resource > Payroll and Payslip Management > Payslip Report to open the Employee Payslip Report.


  •     At the top of your dashboard, click the Module access icon > Administration > Finance > Employee Payslip Management > Payslip  Report to open the Employee Payslip Report.

2. Filter by departmentdate range, or used the Advanced search to search for a payslip.

3. Click the View button as shown in Fig . The payslips displayed here will be according to the filters used.

                                                                                     Fig 1.

4. Click the PDF report or CSV report to generate a report of the payslips.


Click View to across a payslip to view the payslip details. You can also generate a PDF report of the payslip details by clicking the PDF              report button.

For more information, watch this-


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