The payslips that are generated from the HR module will be available in the Finance module for approval. The administrator or a privileged employee (Approve/Reject payslip privilege is required) can approve or reject employee payslips.

  1. At the top of your dashboard, click the Module access icon > Administration > Finance > Employee Payslip Management > Approve Payslips to open the Approve Payslips page. The number of payslips generated for each pay period is listed along with their status.
  2. Select a pay period as depicted in Fig 1. All the payroll groups for the selected pay period will now be listed here.

    Fig 1.

  3. Click the View payslips as depicted in Fig2. which will display all the employee’s payslip.

    Fig 2.

  4. Click the View payslip beside an employee which will display the payslip details.
  5. Click the Approve button, and then click Approve payslip button to confirm. The user can also reject it by clicking the Reject button to reject a payslip. This will allow the user to enter a remark. as depicted in Fig3.

    Fig 3.

After approval, the employees can view their payslip from their profile (Salary > Payslip).

For more information, watch this-

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