You need to have Admin privileges to do the admission process of a student.  You can get the option Student Admission under Home >> Academics >> Students >> Student Admission. The admission process begins with filling the admission form. The field ‘Admission No’ will be automatically generated if it is enabled in the ‘General Settings’ module. The Admission No can be alphanumeric or numeric.

Drop down fields will show contents that are set as in the Settings (Configuration) module. These are typically the batch (grade) to which student is admitted and the category.

The second page of admission is for parents details of the student. Here student admission number is the first field which identify the student with their parent. Here the next part of admission is personal details which include first name, last name, and relationship with the student, date of birth etc. After this is contact detail – which include email, address, city etc. here last field is mobile phone number which should be filled in order to receive SMS. After filling all the field click on finish and move to next page of admission. If the institution doesn’t want to enter the parent details, they can opt so by clicking on ‘click here to skip’.

As the user complete both the pages for student and parents then he will get new page which contain button to add another guardian, if user click on it then he can add another guardian after adding another guardian (optional), he can move to next page by clicking on finish button.

When more than one guardian are added then Admin will be asked to select one guardian as emergency contact (Immediate Contact), which can be done by clicking check box on left of the parents name and then click on finish. This is helpful in case something happens to a student and you want to contact his emergency contact. Emergency contact details will be displayed in the student profile.

Note: Only the Immediate Contact will have a login account. The username of the Guardian is displayed in the student profile.

The next page of admission contains the fields for previous educational details. You can opt to enter these details or skip it. These are naturally required when a student completes his secondary or high school or primary education. This will be helpful in keeping the records of the institution the student last studied also.

Right side of the screen has a link called ‘Add Subject’; you can use this option if you want to enter the marks of the subjects that the student got in the previous institution.


Next step is to import fees to the student if any of the fees created for the batch to which student is admitted is applicable to the student. Refer image below

The admission module also contains additional details if needed. These fields can be added by the Admin from ‘Settings’ module based on institutions preference. The additional detail should be added before admission process starts if user requires it.

There is one Enable SMS option at the first page of admission form. If the SMS service is enabled and it is activated in the application, then an SMS will be sent to Parents mobile number given with the login details.



Once the student is admitted, you can log into the student account using the credentials :

Username : <student_admission_number>

Password : <student_admission_number123>

Replace <student_admission_number> with the admission number of the student you admitted.


For more information, watch this-


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