When generating the Student Attendance Report for a batch, for each subject you can generate the report for a month or for the complete duration of the batch. If a student was absent for a particular session (Forenoon or Afternoon), it is indicated in the report as ‘.5’.

Only the administrator or a privileged employee (the Student attendance view privilege is required) can view the Student Attendance Report.

  1. Click the module access icon > Academics > Attendance > Attendance report to open the Attendance report page.
  2. Select the batch.
  3. Select the report mode from the following options:
  • Monthly
  • Overall

4. If you select Monthly, you must select the month and year. Attendance count of all students for the selected month is displayed.

If you select Overall, the attendance count of all students for complete duration of the batch is displayed.

  • You can perform the following actions using the report:
  • View attendance details on an individual student – Click on the name of a student to view the attendance details.

5. Sort students based on the filters – BelowAboveEquals.

  • PDF Report button – Generate a PDF report of the student attendance details.

CSV Report button – Generate a CSV report of the student attendance details.

For more information, watch this-

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