Weekdays are days on which classes are planned for a batch. For a newly added batch, by default, Monday to Friday are set as weekdays. You can edit the default weekdays.
- At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Academics > Timetable > Set weekdays & class timing sets to open the Set weekdays & class timing sets page.
2. If you want to change the weekdays for a batch, select a course, and then select the batch and make the changes.
Note: You must select at least one weekday.
3. Click Change, and then assign a class timing set for each weekday.
4. In the Applicable from field, select the starting date of the batch if this is your first time setting the weekdays and class t timing sets. If you are editing weekdays and class timing sets for an existing timetable, in the Applicable from field, select the date from which you want the changes to be applied. You cannot change weekdays for which attendance has been previously marked.
Note: This field is available only if you mark student attendance Daily.
Click the Save button.
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