At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Custom Imports to open the All Exports page.

  1. In the top right, click the New button.
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the custom import.
  3. In the Model field, select the type of data you want to import.

For more clarifications, watch this –



  1. Select the associated data you also to want record in the custom import file.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. Click Export CSV to download the CSV file to your local drive.

For more clarification, please watch this – 



  1. Open the CSV file, enter all required data, and then save the file.
  2. Go to the All Exports page, and click Import data.

  1. Select the CSV file to be uploaded, and then click the Upload button. Once the import process begins, you cannot cancel it.
  2. To view the status of the import process, click on Click Here.

The following screen is displayed.

This step may take a while. Keep refreshing the webpage. When the import process is complete, the following message is displayed.

  1. Go back to the All Exports page, and then click Imports to view all imports performed.

The Status column will display one of the following statuses:

  • Success – All data has been successfully imported.

  • Success with no data – The uploaded CSV did not contain any data.

  • Completed with errors – Some data has failed to be imported.

  • Failed – All data has failed to be imported.

If the custom import is completed with errors or failed, click Import log details and view the log details. The log details will display the data upload status for each row. For rows that are were not successfully uploaded, the Description column will display the errors that will need to be fixed in the CSV file.

When fixing the errors, you can either delete the rows that were successfully uploaded from the CSV file, or you can only fix the errors and perform the import again. If you choose to do the latter, when importing the file, an error message will be displayed for all previously successfully uploaded rows (For example, Book number is already taken, Barcode is already taken). You can ignore these errors and focus only on the rows that has missing information.

Once all data is uploaded successfully, you can check if the information is structured and displayed correctly in School Software Pro. If any changes need to be made, you can either make the change in School Software Pro or you can perform a Bulk edit.

For more clarification, watch this –


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