Books with the status Available or Reserved can only be issued.
- At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Academics > Library > Issue books to open the Issue Book page.
- In the Book Number/Barcode field, enter the book number or scan the book’s barcode and then click the Search button. If the book is not found, it means that the book has been borrowed by someone or it’s not available.
- Click on the book’s title.
- On the right, search for the student or employee to whom you want to issue the book.
If issuing the book to a student, select Student, enter the student’s first, middle, or last name. You may also use the admission number and then click the Search button.
If issuing the book to an employee, select Employee, enter the employee’s first, middle, or last name. You may also use the employee ID, and then click the Search button.
- Click on the student/employee name to whom you want to issue the book. The student/employee details are updated on the left. Any previously borrowed book details will also be displayed.
If the student borrowing the book belongs to a student category that has a limit on the number of books that can be borrowed and the student is exceeding the limit, a warning message is displayed. However, you can still issue the book.