You can edit or delete the exam schedule at any time only if the results are not already published. If the results are published, you cannot delete the exam schedule, however, you can edit the published results. If the published results are edited, make sure to generate the exam reports again.

  1. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Exam Management to open the Create Exam page.
  2. Select a class.
  3. Select a batch. Created exams groups are displayed.
  • To delete an exam group, click Delete.
  • To edit or delete exam group details, select an exam group.

  • To edit the name of the exam group, click on the name of the exam group and then edit.
  • To edit the maximum and minimum marks for a subject, click on the marks and then edit, or click Edit beside the subject.
  • To edit/update the marks entered for a subject, select a subject and then edit/update the marks.

To delete an exam for a subject, click Delete beside the subject.

For more information on how the marks can be edited after publishing result, watch this-


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