Students can be sorted by Admission no., First Name, or Last Name. Based on the sort order, roll numbers can then be assigned for all students of each batch. The student sort order can be changed at any time. If you change the student sort order after assigning student roll numbers, all students will be arranged based on […]
Category: Student Roll Numbers
Can I edit student sort order after assigning roll numbers?
Yes. The student sort order can be changed at any time. If you change the student sort order after assigning student roll numbers, all students will be arranged based on the new sort order. However, the assigned roll numbers will remain the same. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Settings > Manage […]
How can I assign roll number for a complete batch in one go?
You can also assign roll numbers even after students are admitted to a batch. When assigning student roll numbers, the system will assign a pre-set roll number to each student of the batch beginning from 1. The pre-set roll number can be edited if required. The number of digits in a pre-set roll number (excluding […]
How do I assign student roll numbers during admission?
When admitting a student, you can assign the student roll number under the Course & Batch Details section of the admission form. Together with a prefix, student roll number can be a maximum of twelve characters and can contain numbers, letters, hyphens, and underscores. Student roll numbers do not get auto-incremented with every new student admitted, so […]
How to set roll number prefix for a batch?
If you’ve set the roll number prefix for a course as mentioned here, the prefix set for the course will be automatically applied to all batches under that course. If you do not want all batches of a course to have the same roll number prefix, you can change it for each batch. We recommend setting […]
How to set roll number prefix for a course?
Before assigning student roll numbers, you can set the roll number prefix for a course. The prefix set for a course is then automatically applied to all batches under that course and also applied to all students in each batch. The roll number prefix can contain a maximum of six alphanumeric characters. At the top of […]
How can we enable roll number for students?
At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Settings to open the General settings page. Select the Enable roll number for students checkbox. Note: If you select this checkbox but do not assign student roll numbers, roll number columns throughout School Software Pro will be remain blank. So if you decide not to assign student roll numbers, […]
What is student roll number? What is the advantage of assigning roll numbers?
Roll numbers are unique identification numbers that can be assigned to students at the time of admission or after admission. Roll numbers are unique to students within a batch. Two students of a batch cannot be assigned the same roll number. To avoid instances of students of different batches having the same roll numbers, […]