How can I generate students fee head- wise report?

If an employee is provided the View Additional Reports privilege or the Finance Reports privilege, the employee can access the report through the Reports module – Click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Students Fees Defaulters Details. The Student-wise Report displays all the fees that a student has paid and is due to pay in the current batch as well as previous batches. […]

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How can I generate students fees defaulters report?

The Students Fees Defaulters Details report lists all the students who have not paid a particular fee collection. If an employee is provided the View Additional Reports privilege or the Finance Reports privilege, the employee can access the report through the Reports module – Click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Students Fees Defaulters Details. Click on the balance amount to view the […]

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How can I generate course-wise fee defaulter details report?

The Fee Defaulter Details report lists all the courses and the balance fees that needs to be collected from each course. If an employee is provided the View Additional Reports privilege or the Finance Reports privilege, the employee can access the report through the Reports module – Click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Fee Defaulter Details. Click on a course to view […]

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How can I generate the report of fee collection details for a batch?

If an employee is provided the View Additional Reports privilege or the Finance Reports privilege, the employee can access the report through the Reports module – Click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Fee Collection Details. To view the report for a particular batch, select a course, select the batch, and then click the Search button.   Click on a batch name to […]

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How can I generate exam schedule report?

After creating an exam schedule, the administrator or a privileged employee (View Additional Reports privilege is required) can generate the exam schedule report. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Exam Schedule Details to open the Exam Schedule Details page. Exam schedules for all batches will be displayed here. The report includes the exam type, exam name, the maximum and minimum […]

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How can I generate employee payroll reports ?

The Employee Payroll Details report displays payroll details of all employees. Administrators and privileged employees (View Additional Reports privilege is required) can access this report from the Reports module. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Employee Payroll Details. The report displays the payroll details of employees for all departments. To view the payroll […]

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How can we generate report on employees associated with subjects?

The Employee subject association Details report lists all active employees and their associated subjects for a batch. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Employee subject association Details. Click the Export as CSV button to export the details as a CSV file. When the file status changes from In Queue to Download, click Download and save the file […]

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How to generate subject details report?

The Subject Details report lists all subject details such as the number of weekly classes, the batch the subject belongs to, if the subject is an elective or not, and if the subject has an exam or not. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Subject Details. Select a course. Select a batch. […]

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How can I generate the list of former employees?

The Former Employees Details report lists all former/archived employees. An Administrator or a privileged employee (View Additional Reports privilege is required) can access this report from the Reports center. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Data and Reports > Reports > Former Employee Details to open the Report center. The report lists all archived employees during the specified […]

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