How can I view online exam report?

Teachers can view the student exam report only after the results are published. Teachers can also generate a PDF report of the results.   Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > View Exam Results to open the View Results page. Select a batch. Click View results to view the results for an evaluated exam. If a student’s answers are evaluated, the […]

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How to publish an online exam result?

Only teachers who have evaluated an exam can publish the results. Exam results must be published only after evaluating the answers for all students. Teachers can edit the marks even after the results are published. Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > Evaluate Online Exams to open the Evaluate Online Exams page. Click Publish Result. The results status is updated. […]

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How to reset an online exam? or How student can retake an exam?

Teachers can allow students to retake an exam after resetting the exam. Resetting an exam for a student will delete all answers previously submitted by the student. Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > Reset Exam to open the Reset Exam page. Select the batch and the exam. Uncheck the students who you do not want to retake the […]

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How online exam can be evaluated?

Only teachers (employees) set as evaluators for a Hybrid exam can evaluate an exam. Since hybrid exams can include both objective and descriptive type questions, teachers will need to evaluate only the descriptive answers. The Administrator cannot evaluate exams. Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > Evaluate Online Exams to open the Evaluate Online Exams page. Click Evaluate beside the exam you want […]

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How can a student attend an online exam?

An exam will be made accessible to students only during the set dates. Before starting the exam, the student will see the following screen which will include the name of the exam, the time duration, and the minimum percentage required to pass. When the student clicks the Start Exam button, the exam will begin in a separate […]

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How to delete an online exam?

An exam can be deleted only if it is not published.  Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > View Online Exams to open the View Online Exams page. Select a batch. Click Delete beside the exam you want to publish. For more information, view this:

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How online exam can be published?

Exams must be published only after you’ve made sure that all necessary settings have been made and all questions have been added. Changes can be made to an exam even after publishing it and as long as no student has taken the exam. You can publish an exam immediately after creating it or at a […]

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How online exam settings can be edited?

Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > View Online Exams to open the View Online Exams page. Select a batch. Click Edit beside the exam you want to edit. Or Click on an exam name > More button > Edit exam. Make the necessary changes, and then click the Update button. Note: You cannot change the exam type if you have already added questions. For more information, view […]

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How can I randomize questions for online exam?

 If you have students in a class taking an exam at the same time, you might want the questions to be presented in different orders to students. Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > View Online Exams to open the View Online Exams page. Select a batch. Select the exam for which you want questions to be presented in […]

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How can I rearrange online exam questions?

You can rearrange the questions immediately after creating an exam by clicking the Rearrange Questions button at the top, or at a later time. To rearrange the questions at a later time: Click the module access icon > Academics > Examination > Online Exam > View Online Exams to open the View Online Exams page. Select a batch. Select the exam whose questions you want to rearrange. […]

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