How can I generate sales reports?

Use the Item-wise Report to view the availability of items and the amount collected for each item. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Reports > Sales Reports > Item-wise Report. For more information, watch this- Day-wise Report Use the Day-wise Report to view the amount collected and the total number of sales made by each store on the […]

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How can I edit or delete sales invoice?

A sales invoice can be edited or deleted only if the customer has not paid for the item, i.e., the Is Paid checkbox was not selected when creating the sales invoice. Click module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Billing to open the Invoice page. Select a store. All sales invoices of the store are displayed. If you are searching for a particular invoice, select […]

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How can I create a sales invoice?

Once you have sold an item, create a sales invoice and issue a copy to your customer. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Billing to open the Invoice page. In the top right, click the New button. In the Store field, select the store to which the item belongs. In the Issued to field, enter the School Software […]

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How to generate inventory report?

You can generate a report to view the list of indents, purchase orders, and GRNs created based on their status. Click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Reports > Reports. Select a category – Indents, Purchase Order, or GRN. Select a status – All, Pending, Issued, or Rejected. Specify a date range. Click the Search button. If you had selected Indents, all indents and their details are displayed. For […]

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What is GRN and how to create it?

A goods receipt note (GRN) is created to record the delivery of items from your suppliers. A GRN is created against an issued purchase order. When a GRN is created for an item, any pending item quantity for an approved indent request will be automatically issued. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon […]

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How can I delete or edit purchase order?

Only purchase orders with status ‘Pending’ or ‘Rejected’ can be edited or deleted. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Purchase Order to open the Purchase Order page. Purchase orders of all statuses (Pending, Issued, Rejected) will be listed. Click Edit to edit a purchase order, or click Delete to delete a purchase order. For more information, watch this-

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How can I issue or reject purchase order?

By selecting an order status, entering an order number, and then clicking the Submit button. Click Issue beside the purchase order you want to approve. Verify the purchase order details. Select the status of the purchase order: Issued – You are approving the purchase order. Rejected – You are rejecting the purchase order. If necessary, you can change the purchase order […]

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How can I create a purchase order?

A purchase order is created when items are purchased from other businesses. A purchase order must be created against a specific indent request. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Purchase Order to open the Purchase Order page. In the top right, click the New button. Select the indent number. In the Purchase order No. field, enter the purchase order […]

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How can I edit or delete an Indent request?

Only indent requests with status ‘Pending’ or ‘Rejected’ can be edited or deleted. Note: Your manager can also edit or delete the indent request. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Inventory > Indents to open the Indents page. Indents or all statuses (Pending, Issued, Rejected) will be listed. Click Edit to edit an indent request, or click Delete to delete an indent request. For […]

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How to approve or reject an Indent request?

Indents raised by employees must be approved by their managers. What happens if an indent request is approved? The items requested by the employee will be issued. What happens if an indent request is rejected? The employee can make the necessary corrections, and then resubmit the indent request for approval. What if the item requested […]

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