How to assign or unassign fee collections to a student?

When using the Fee Imports plugin to manage a student’s fee collections, the following fee collections may be listed for a student: Paid and unpaid fee collections for the current batch. Paid fee collections will be disabled. Fee collections created specifically for the student. Unpaid fee collections for a previous batch. Once paid, the previous […]

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How to assign fee collections to a student during admission?

When admitting a student using the Student Admission form, the ‘Import previous batch master fees’ screen will allow you to assign fee collections to the student. Select the fee collections applicable for the student, and then click the Assign button. For more information, watch this-

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About Fee import plugin…

The Fee Imports plugin( At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Fee Imports) allows the Administrator or a Privileged Employee (Manage Fee privilege is required) easily manage student fee collections. Students can be assigned to or unassigned from fee collections. And if your institution uses the Fee Imports plugin, when admitting students using the Student Admission […]

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