How to create a Fee refund rule for Fee collection?

At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Fees refund > Create refund rule to open the Create fee refund page. Fig 1. 2. In the Fee Collection field, select the fee collection. 3. In the Refund name field, enter the refund name. 4. In the Refund […]

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How to manage fee particulars and fee discounts from student fee collections?

You can add and remove fee particulars and fee discounts from student fee collections from the Manage Fee Collections page. Note: If a student has paid the fees towards a fee collection, newly created fee particulars and fee discounts cannot be assigned to that fee collection, neither can existing fee particulars nor fee discounts be removed from that […]

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How can I schedule a fee collection?

At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Schedule Fee Collection Dates > Create Fee Collection to open the Create Fee Collection page. Fig 1. In the Fee category field, select the fee category. Select the batches this fee collection will apply to. Only batches for the selected fee category will be available to select. In the Fee collection name field, […]

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What is meant by scheduling student fee collections?

A student fee collection is scheduled on a fee category that you’ve created. The fee category defines the batches the fee collection will apply to. So before scheduling a fee collection, make sure you have created the necessary fee categories, fee particulars, fee discounts, and fines. Only the administrator or a privileged employee (Manage Fee privilege […]

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How can I set up and edit / delete fines for late fee payments?

You can set up fine slabs that define the amount the students will be charged in case of late fee payments. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees > Generate Fine. Fig 1. In the Fine name field, enter the name of the fine. In the Days after due date field, enter the number of […]

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How to Create / Edit / Delete student fee discount?

Create Fee Discount: Your institution may offer fee discounts to students. For example, a fee discount may be given to the student whose parent(s) is employed at the institution. Fee discounts can be set up and applied at the time of processing student fee payments. A student fee discount can be created for a batch […]

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How can I Create / Edit / Delete a fee particular?

Create Fee particular: Fee particulars are various type of fees that a student may be required to pay after admission. Fee particulars are created under a fee category for specific batches, for specific students, or for a student category. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees > Create Particulars. Fig 1. […]

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How can I Create / Edit / Delete a Fee Category?

Create a Fee category: To create any Fee collection, initially create different fee categories under which different fee types / particulars can be grouped. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon  > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees > Create Category. Fig 1 In the Name field, enter the name of the fee category. In the Description field, enter a short description about […]

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What is fee collection and how to set it?

A fee collection is a payment period during which fees defined by the institution is collected from students. It can be at the beginning of an academic year or at the beginning of each semester/term. Before scheduling student fee collections, the administrator or a privileged employee (Manage Fee privilege is required) will need to create the […]

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