Inorder to send an SMS to all employees of a department, the Send SMS to Employees checkbox on the SMS Settings page must be selected.
- At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Settings > SMS module > Send SMS to Employees Department to open the Department page.
Note : Only departments that have at least one employee whose profile has a registered mobile number can be selected. If all employees of a department do not have a mobile number saved in their profile, the department will be greyed out cannot be selected.
- Select a department(s) to whom you want to send the SMS text messages.
- Enter the message. You can send up to 160 characters in a message and this will be counted/charged as one message. If the message contains more than 160 characters, the message is broken and delivered as separate messages, and you will be charged accordingly.
- Click the Send SMS button.
For more information, watch this-