You can add and remove fee particulars and fee discounts from student fee collections from the Manage Fee Collections page.

Note: If a student has paid the fees towards a fee collection, newly created fee particulars and fee discounts cannot be assigned to that fee collection, neither can existing fee particulars nor fee discounts be removed from that fee collection.

  • At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Schedule Fee Collection Dates > Manage Fee Collections to open the Manage Fee Collections page.
  • Select a batch and a fee collection.
  • Select Particular to view all fee particulars created for a batch, for a student, or for a student category.

Fig 1.

Or, select Discount to view all fee discounts created for a batch, for a student, for a student category, or for a fee particular

Fig 2.

  • Select the checkboxes to assign or unassign fee particulars and fee discounts.
  • Click the Update button.

For more information, watch this-

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