Create Fee particular:

Fee particulars are various type of fees that a student may be required to pay after admission. Fee particulars are created under a fee category for specific batches, for specific students, or for a student category.

  • At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees > Create Particulars.

Fig 1.

Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk* is mandatory to be filled.

  • In the Name field, enter the name of the fee particular.
  • In the Description field, enter a short description about the fee particular.
  • Select a fee category, and then select the applicable batches.
  • Specify how you want to create the fee particular:
  • If it is for all students of the selected batches, select All.
  • If it is for specific students of the selected batches, select Admission no, and then enter the admission numbers of the students (separated by a comma).
  • If it is for a specific student category of the selected batches, select Student Category, and then select the student category.
  1. In the Amount field, enter the fee particular amount.
  2. Click the Create button.

Edit/Delete Fee particulars:

Fee particulars can be edited only if you haven’t scheduled a fee collection for the fee particular. Also, when editing, you can only edit the fee particular name, description, and fee amount. Fee particulars can be deleted at any time.

  1. At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees to open the Create Fees page.
  2. Select a batch and a fee category. The list of fee particulars created for the fee category will be displayed.

  Fig 2.

3. Click Edit to edit a fee particular, or click Delete to delete a fee particular.

For more information, watch this-

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